Alexa Bliss llama mentiroso a Dave Meltzer por información sobre fanáticos abandonando RAW tras su segmento
La luchadora de RAW, Alexa Bliss, responde información errónea que compartió el periodista.
3 años atrásen

Mediante un boletín informativo, Dave Meltzer sostuvo que durante el segmento de ayer entre Charlotte Flair y Alexa Bliss, varios fanáticos abandonaron en masa el estadio.
Alexa Bliss critica a Meltzer
Alexa se hizo eco de esta noticia y criticó al periodista, a quien acusó de estar mintiendo ya que “literalmente eso nunca pasó“.
Lo hizo a través de su cuenta de Twitter, con varios fanáticos mostrando su apoyo.
Sorry Meltzer (or whatever) you can’t get clout off of our segment … move on ✌🏻 #StopLying #LitterallyDidntHappen #YoureEmbarassingYourself
— Lexi (Kaufman) Cabrera (@AlexaBliss_WWE) September 21, 2021
Además, algunos compartieron imágenes demostrando que efectivamente nunca hubo tan estampida.
I was there with my kids and my daughter loves you!! No one left during that segment at all!! The house was packed and the crowd thought the back and forth between you and Charlotte was awesome!! Some good singers were thrown out there by both of you!!
— Hank Jr (@tarheelbred81) September 21, 2021
I would really love to know who these “sources” always are – because the stuff they come up with is quite ridiculous. & sounds like just someone starving for attention.
— Lexi (Kaufman) Cabrera (@AlexaBliss_WWE) September 21, 2021
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