Joey Janela critica e insulta a AEW Dark en su Twitter
2 años atrásen
Ignacio Salvo

Críticas de Joey Janela a AEW Dark
Joey Janela era uno de los luchadores independientes que más llamaba la atención de la recién conformada AEW en el 2019 y a muchos les sorprendió que su inclusión en la misma no funcionase, al nivel de que terminó saliendo por la puerta de atrás.
Ahora, Joey Janela vuelve a ser motivo de noticias con respecto a AEW, pero por otro motivo. En su cuenta de Twitter se ha dedicado a criticar a AEW Dark, señalando que su estilo de squashes no pone over a los luchadores de la empresa que ganan ni a los competidores locales que pierden, e incluso, llegó a los insultos.
Cómo dato curioso, Janela es uno de los pilares de GCW, empresa con la que se rumorea, AEW recientemente ha prohibido mandar a sus luchadores. A continuación, los tweets de Janela:
This is what dark should be, all around competitive action packed sprints, and maybe a one longer type storyline based match weekly. What that show does is nothing for anyone anymore, tbh it’s stale ass! Squash matches do nothing for anyone in 2022, especially on a YouTube show.
— “The Bad Boy” Joey Janela (@JANELABABY) November 2, 2022
No one wants to watch fucking squash matches on YouTube in 2022, I understand if you’re introducing a new wrestler on tv then I’m all for squash matches. This is the reason for talent degression doing nothing but pointless bullshit for the sake of it.
— “The Bad Boy” Joey Janela (@JANELABABY) November 2, 2022
I always made it a point to make my matches with local talents 60/40 or even 50/50, because I’m a fan myself and I know that I would never waste my time watching something presented like that & was constantly watching me get shittier in ring. That’s my Wednesday morning rant!
— “The Bad Boy” Joey Janela (@JANELABABY) November 2, 2022
But the squash matches did nothing for the actual records because all the jabronis were unranked lol
— “The Bad Boy” Joey Janela (@JANELABABY) November 2, 2022
Keeps wrestlers sharp, in a promotion that is spot and sequence heavy
— “The Bad Boy” Joey Janela (@JANELABABY) November 2, 2022
Hardcore Indy town Tokyo is where I’m at! Been hitting all the big Indy towns lately!
— “The Bad Boy” Joey Janela (@JANELABABY) November 2, 2022
I haven’t also I don’t watch any wrestling at all besides GCW for the last few years, But I do see what is written here weekly and I do see how engagement has dropped drastically on here and Reddit compared to previous years and it seems many people feel the same at the moment
— “The Bad Boy” Joey Janela (@JANELABABY) November 2, 2022
Then IDK tour dark like an independent promotion on the weekends, The shows will draw because the most over thing about AEW are the letters AEW. Small production, 2 agents, 2 hours of matches in a small venue. I see no difficulty in that for a million dollar company
— “The Bad Boy” Joey Janela (@JANELABABY) November 2, 2022
I haven’t read anything about him on here since joining the company, squash matches apparently ain’t growing his character too much. The most is see is about dark on here these days is the funny commentary
— “The Bad Boy” Joey Janela (@JANELABABY) November 2, 2022
Because than maybe it should be on tv? But you have so many wrestlers and 3 hours of tv a week with long PPV quality matches that’s very hard to accomplish.
— “The Bad Boy” Joey Janela (@JANELABABY) November 2, 2022
This isn’t the 80s or 90s, that facade of professional wrestling is over, fans are wired differently. I understand tv squashes 100% in certain circumstances!
— “The Bad Boy” Joey Janela (@JANELABABY) November 2, 2022
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