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Luchadores no quedaron ajenos al asesinato de George Floyd



Conmoción, rabia y tristeza, son muchos los calificativos tras el asesinato del afroamericano George Floyd a manos de la policía en Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Este nuevo hecho de brutalidad por parte de uniformados ha generado una serie de manifestaciones en la ciudad, y la condena de actores, cantantes y otras figuras públicas.

Diversos luchadores tampoco han querido quedar ajenos a este nuevo crimen racial, usando sus redes sociales para referirse al tema:

Luego, Sami Zayn escribió 29 de abril, 1992. Esta fecha hace referencia a los disturbios ocurridos en Los Angeles, California, conocidos como “la revuelta de Rodney King“.

Ese día, un jurado compuesto en su mayoría por gente blanca absolvió a cuatro agentes policiales que le propinaron una brutal golpiza a King, un taxista de la ciudad.

Titus O’Neil, por su parte, ha sido uno de los luchadores más activos en condenar el asesinato George Floyd.

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I’m literally sitting in my car looking at pictures of me and my sons and just came to tears. As a black father this shit is frustrating, hurtful, Scary etc, I’ve been able to teach my kids a lot about life but I’m not equipped to teach or tell my kids or other black and brown kids on how to deal with Type of shit OVER AND OVER AGAIN🤬🤬🤬I doubt very seriously that my Friends, Coworkers, business partners etc that don’t look like me have EVER had to think about half the stuff I do as a Black Parent trying to Raise two Black Men in this country. I doubt they’ve ever had to Have “The Talk” with their children, I doubt they’ll ever Have to tell their children how beautiful and Amazing they are as much as I tell mine, I doubt they’ll have to wonder if their kids will be okay with driving their cars outside of getting into an accident , I doubt they have to go shopping for Body cameras to install in their kids vehicles, I have a lot of doubts, Concerns, Anger, Frustration and Questions….WHAT I DON’T have is ANSWERS and That’s where many Black and Brown people are at today and have been for years. I can’t explain to them that the outrage people have for hurting Dogs and Animals is deafening, yet the outrage for Killing Black Men and women with A Law enforcement Uniform on seems to be addressed as business as usual. I don’t feel like a SuperHero, I don’t have any answers and I do feel hopeless in this situation. #ImNotOkWithThis @titus11k @tjbullardd @davebautista

Una publicación compartida de Titus Oneil (@titusoneilwwe) el

Dave Batista y The Rock, tampoco quedaron ajenos:

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Past few days I’ve been stunned trying make sense of George Floyd’s death. The video. The plea for breath. The callous response. The racism. The killing. This is our ongoing disease. I’ve had cops in my family. Good men. And there’s a cop code, granting you the authority to use force if your life is in danger. But when a man is handcuffed, on the ground, no longer a threat, with your brothers in arms standing around watching and he struggles to say, “please I can’t breathe” when your knee is on his neck.. not his back, but his neck – cutting off his air. Cop code must become moral code. Ethics code. HUMANITY code. Knowing that if you don’t ease up, then that man is going to die. So when you decide to not ease up, your intention is to kill. And that’s what this was. George Floyd, said “officer I can’t breathe” as he struggled for air. He said these words a total of 15 times. Not once. Not twice. 15 times. These officers will be charged, I’m positive of that. Held accountable. But then where’s the greater accountability? The leadership to healing. More importantly, the leadership to EQUALITY. We ultimately win when we can normalize equality. I’m so sorry to the Floyd family. My heart breaks for you. Let the process begin now. #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd #normalizeequality

Una publicación compartida de therock (@therock) el

También están aquellas que donaron dinero:

El gran mensaje de Kevin Owens:

Otros luchadores:

Periodista. Jericho es mi guía y Bryan mi pastor. ¿Mi padre? Christian Cage. En Twitter: @cmelendezm.

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